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Website dedicated in memory of Rav Yehuda Leib ben Rav Yosef Ob'm

The Learning in the Yeshiva and all affiliated programs was sponsored for the upcoming week of:
May 11th - 17th
In Honor of
Sarah and Moishe Agin.
The Learning in the Yeshiva and all affiliated programs was sponsored for the month of:
May 2014
For a speedy recovery for Shaindel bas Yetta & Avraham Abba ben Shaindel
The Learning in the Yeshiva and all affiliated programs was sponsored for the remainder of this school year:
For a speedy recovery for Masha Rivka bas Gitel Esther
Recent Sponsorships in Ohr Moshe
There are several ways to make a sponsorship or dedication in Ohr Moshe:
Sponsor the Learning of Torah. This includes all learning during the morning, night seder, and affiliated shiurim which take place on our premises.
Sponsor a day of learning -- As low as 50 shekels per day
Sponsor a week of learning -- As low as 180 shekels per week
Sponsor a month of learning -- As low as 500 shekels per month
The Learning in the Yeshiva and all affiliated programs was sponsored for the month of:
For a speedy recovery for David ben Rachel
The Learning in the Yeshiva and all affiliated programs was sponsored on the date of:
February 6th 2014
For a speedy recovery for Nissan Moshe ben Chana Gittel
The Learning in the Yeshiva and all affiliated programs was sponsored on the date of:
February 4th, 2014
For a speedy recovery for Ellie bas Charlotte
The Learning in the Yeshiva and all affiliated programs was sponsored on the date of:
4 Adar, 5774
In Memory of Hentsha Leah bas Shalom
The Learning in the Yeshiva and all affiliated programs was sponsored on the date of:
5 Adar, 5774
In Memory of Henya bas Moshe Binyomin
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